Book Title: Legal Writing Simplified

Book Description: This book has been designed to help law students learn to write analytically in a straight-forward, simple, yet effective style. I have included text to explain the particular writing concepts and videos that explain concepts clearly. Different modalities can be useful in order to appeal to different learning styles. My hope is to demonstrate that mastering the art of legal writing can positively impact all aspects of law school and all aspects of a legal career.
Book Information
Book Description
This book has been designed to help law students learn to write analytically in a straight-forward, simple, yet effective style. I have included text to explain the particular writing concepts and videos that explain concepts clearly. Different modalities can be useful in order to appeal to different learning styles. My hope is to demonstrate that mastering the art of legal writing can positively impact all aspects of law school and all aspects of a legal career.
Legal Writing Simplified Copyright © by Michelle Zakarin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.